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New Location:

1160 Appleton Rd

Menasha, WI  54952

Phone:  920-809-6766

Fax:  920-486-1555

"A Village" LLC

Individual * Family * Support Groups

Tele-Health is Covered by Insurance

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Final Children's Room
Building sign
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Creating "A Village" of Support

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We can help when...

  • Depression and Anxiety negatively affect your life


  • Habit or an Addiction controls your ability to have the life you want


  • Boundaries are important and you want to learn to set them


  • Child abuse in your past keeps you from having a positive adult life


  • Guilt and Regret prevent the health and happiness you deserve


  • Grief keeps you from moving forward in your life

Connect with others like you.  You are not alone!


Creating "A Village" of Support

Click on the image for more information

Group Meeting
Mental Health and AODA


We accept these major insurance plans:
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